The Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) is a National Organization founded in 1920. The League is officially recognized by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) as a lay association of women and is affiliated with the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO), a world-wide federation holding membership in the conference of International Catholic Organizations (ICO) and having consultative status with agencies of the United Nations. We are the only Canadian women’s organization that is invited to meet with the government in Ottawa. We are always working on resolutions and legislation to defend our faith.
In 2023, St. Patrick’s CWL will celebrate 90 years of joyfully serving the Lord at St. Patrick’s Members of the CWL are very active at St. Patrick’s, providing service wherever needed. We defend all life from conception to its natural end; we support Domestic Abuse Services – Our Lady of Good Counsel which is a not-for-profit organization committed to ending violence against women through education and action.
During COVID we have had to adapt. We pray the Rosary on Saturday mornings at 10:00 on Zoom; pray for everyone on our prayer chain; publish our newsletter 4 times a year; collect socks, gloves and blankets for the Caring Place at Christmas; participate in parish events and welcome all ladies from the parish at our events.
We welcome all women 16 years and older to join the Catholic Women’s League.
May the Holy Spirit and our patroness Our Lady of Good Counsel continue to bless us.
For more information, please contact:
Joanne Prawdzik
President of St. Patrick’s CWL
[email protected]