The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of the lay
apostolate, in which Catholic men and women sanctify
themselves through prayer and spiritual work in union with
Our Lady under the guidance of the clergy. The Legion’s aims
are to:
The Legion, which began in Dublin, Ireland on September 7
1921, is one of the largest lay apostolic organizations in the
Catholic Church. It is present in 170 countries and has 4
million Active members and 5 million Auxiliaries (praying
A unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which
holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with
reports and discussion.
In St Patrick’s Parish Maple Ridge, the “Our Lady of Perpetual
Help” Praesidium, was established in 1991. Group meets
Mondays at 9.00 – 10.30 a.m. at the Church Vestibule. For
more information kindly contact Nida Santiago, President at
604 460 9080 or 778 668 0660 or Anna Mai, Vice President at
778 697 1720.