Bulletin: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Matthew is Away
Aug 8-18
- Tuesday, Aug 8- Friday, Aug 11 (No daily Mass and Confession).
You are welcome to go to St Luke’s daily mass at 8am - Saturday, Aug 12 – Friday, Aug 18
Fr Patrick Le will be celebrating the weekly scheduled Masses and Sacraments during this period.

Summer Schedule Changes
Parish Office & Holy Grounds Hours
(July 3 to Sep 1, 2023)
Mondays – 8:30am – 12:00pm
Tuesdays – 8:30am – 4:00pm
Wednesdays – 8:30am – 12:00pm
Thursdays – 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Fridays – 8:30am – 4:00pm
Saturdays – CLOSED
Sundays – CLOSED
Daily Mass Times (July 3 to Sep 1, 2023)
Mondays – 8:00am Mass
Tuesdays – 6pm Confessions; 6:30pm Mass
Wednesdays – 8:00am Mass
Thursdays – 5:30pm Adoration/Benediction; 6:30pm Mass
Fridays – 8:00am Mass
Saturdays – 4:15pm-5:15pm – Confessions; 5:30pm Mass
Sundays – 9:00am, 11:15am, and 4:30pm Mass
Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Monday, August 14 – Mila Marlow (INT)
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest, Martyr
Tuesday, August 15 – Ruth Claire Cagara (INT)
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, August 16 – Raina Atherton (+)
Saint Stephen of Hungary
Thursday, August 17 – Fr. Matthew To (INT)
Friday, August 18 –Otie Anla (+)
Saturday, August 19 – Michelle Misceo (+)
Saint John Eudes, Priest

Why Alpha

Join us Thursday, August 31st after the 6:30 mass for our Envisioning Night.
The night will discuss the why and hope behind the Alpha program.
We will be joined by Ed Zadeiks who is the ‘Alpha in a Catholic Context’ National Director. He will be sharing some statistics for Alpha globally. In addition, his beloved bride, Shawna will be coming to share her testimony on how Alpha changed her life.
Join us for a night of conversation, connection and obviously some really great food.

Who will you invite?

Thank you to Cecille, Britt, Allison & Monica for working in Holy Grounds on Tuesday. And a thank you to Jen Haer for working in Holy Grounds on Wednesday.
Thank you Kristel for supporting the office while Margaret and Carmen were away!
Thank you to Cathy Albrecht for teaching some of our parishioners how to make her amazing cabbage rolls!
Thank you to Linda & Ron Philipps for creating a gorgeous, gourmet style meal for our Alpha team on Saturday night. And to Bella Nonnas for supplying some really great treats!
Thank you to Erwin, Marko and Mateo for helping with our Sunday social this past Sunday.
Thank you to Joe and Joanne, Lorna and Randy and Francis for helping keep our parish safe.
Thank you to Eva Chow for designing our new Moms n Tots business cards!

You were called by God for a purpose, and were given gifts and charisms by the Holy Spirit at the time of your Baptism and Confirmation. Discover your special gift through the Called & Gifted program now being offered through St. Patrick’s.

In Recognition of our Small Business Owners
We are so happy to provide a free resource of small businesses owned and managed by fellow parishioners. By supporting one another, we grow and strengthen our community, and through that support we grow and strengthen our faith.
Own or manage a business that isn’t listed yet?
Please click below to submit your business details.

Project Advance 2023:
Empowering Our Parish Vision
Your support of Project Advance will help grow your parish and expand the reach of Christ’s love to those who need it most. It will fund initiatives such as pastoral formation, youth and young adult ministries, outreach programs for the vulnerable and in need, and the construction of new Catholic schools. Tax-deductible donations can be made in person at your parish or online. Legacy gifts are also appreciated. Learn more and donate at https://support.rcav.org/project-advance-2023/

September 29 to October 1, 2023
Registration Opens August 19th

Family Eucharistic Summit
“We unite our hearts with His: He makes us whole and new.”
The Family Eucharistic Summit is a one-day event for families to enter into the wonder and awe of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Domestic Abuse Services – Our Lady of Good Counsel Society:
A new Help Line training session is starting September 15, 2023. If you’re ready for a challenge and want to help in the most meaningful way, join our team of Help Line Operators. They are the vital link between survivors of domestic abuse and a LIFE WITHOUT FEAR. Training is free and online. Register now at 604.585.6688 | [email protected]. www.DomesticAbuseServices.ca

Couple Retreat by Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Rekindle the romance, remind yourselves why you fell in love and learn how to make a good marriage even better!
WWME is offering a weekend marriage retreat this fall. Oct. 27-29, 2023.
For more info and to register visit:
❤ Early bird special before Sept. 5 ❤
Registration closes Oct. 17, 2023
You both deserve it!