Bulletin: The Presentation of the Lord

Our parish relies on your generosity. Your donations each year directly impact our ability to minister to those in need, to provide special programs such as Alpha and CGS, to offer small group faith studies, to maintain our buildings, and to grow our parish school.

Mass Intentions
Monday, February 3
Ben Britto (+)
Saint Ansgar (Oscar), Bishop
or Saint Blaise, Bishop, Martyr
Tuesday, February 4
Marcelo Luz Bano (+)
Wednesday, February 5
Hipolito Felomina Tajo (+)
Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr
Thursday, February 6
Andrzej Gidlewicz (+)
Saints Paul Miki and his Companions, Martyrs
Friday, February 7
Dino Testa (+)
Saturday, February 8
Andrzej Gidlewicz (+)
Saint Jerome Emilian
or Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Pat’s Highlights
Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events

Please join us as we gather this Sunday following the 9am and 11:15am Masses. You can count on excellent coffee from Holy Grounds, good treats, wonderful conversation and an amazing community.
See you there!

Please join us after the 11:15am Mass for a large Food Recovery Giveaway!
This week we are able to offer donations from the Burnaby Costco, the Port Coquitlam Costco, Save On, Shoppers, the Safeway Bakery, and Starbucks. Due to our having missed our last giveaway day we have a very large amount of frozen goods and pantry staples to share with you all.
We will have boxes and bags on hand.
Gates to gymnasium vestibule will open promptly at 12:00.
Doors into the gym will open when the 11:15am Mass concludes.

Calling All St Patrick’s Community Moms Searching for Fellowship & Conversation!
Starting February 3rd, we are excited to announce a new addition to our beloved Moms n Tots program that pilots the inclusion of a faith formation component.
From 8:30-10:10am, Holy Grounds is open for a social drop-in with coffee & treats. From 10:15-11:45, Margaret Jakus and Maria Fonseca will lead a 6-part video series for moms in the community who are interested in participating.
We will be using a program with ‘Walking with Purpose’. As well, we are providing childcare in the adjoining space.
Please fill out the registration form (for the faith study/child minding portion of Moms n Tots) so that we know how many children will be attending and to accommodate food and drink needs.
You do not have to be previously associated with Moms n Tots to join! We are so excited to see you there!

Healing Encounter
Friday, February 7
7:00pm to 9:00pm
We invite you to a very special Healing Encounter evening on Friday, February 7th beginning at 7:00pm.
Come all with your worries and your woes and lay them at the feet of our Lord in a special evening of Adoration and Benediction with Praise and Worship. Confessions will be available as will our Prayer Ministry.

Join us in happy prayer and celebration for the baptisms of Chloe Rodrigues and Claire Fishburn!
May God bless you and your families on this day and every day that follows!

Thank you Clara & Val for your help preparing our Childminding space for the Mother’s Monday Faith Study.
Thank you to Shelly Head for preparing and providing the crudites and chips for our Rescue evening on Wednesday.
Thank you to Julia Zochowski for her incredible, thoughtful work in preparing the centrepieces for the Rescue evening.
Thank you to the Andrew and Hannah Croswell, to Preeteela D’Sena and to Bonnie Way for your help managing Food Recovery donations for our upcoming giveaway.
Support your Parish
Every act of help and support keeps our parish running and is an integral part of achieving our parish mission. We are so very grateful to all.
If you would like to serve the parish by donating your time or skills, please let us know.
We are excited to announce that tickets are now on sale for the Hawaiian Luau Trivia Night & Live Auction – the biggest and most fun fundraiser of the year!
Date: Saturday, March 1
Time: 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Location: St. Patrick’s School Gym
Ticket Price: $50 each
Your ticket includes a delicious pasta buffet dinner and access to an evening filled with fun and excitement! We’ll have all your favourite activities, including:
- Trivia Game – Find those trivia buffs and make a winning table!
- Live Auction – Amazing items up for grabs!
- Ceramics Sale – Beautiful pieces available for purchase.
- 50/50 Raffle – Try your luck!
- Cash Bar – Sip and relax while you enjoy the event.
- Games and more surprises – Fun for everyone!
Dress for a Luau – Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts, and island vibes encouraged!
Stay tuned for how to register for this event. Tickets are limited!
We can’t wait to see you there for a night of laughter, friendly competition, and support for a great cause!

Check out our revamped Small Community Business Listings page. Please consider supporting parish-run small businesses. We have a little of everything here, from personal services to home renovation to real estate to custom fabrication to restaurants and eateries and so much more.

Here at St. Patrick’s everyone is family, and we help each other when in need.
If you or someone you know is in need of prayers or support, please reach out.

Knights of Columbus Student Bursary Program
The annual British Columbia and Yukon Bursary program known as the Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program is underway. The Knights of Columbus are privileged to offer fourteen bursaries of $1,000.00 each to Catholic students across the Province of British Columbia. These bursaries are made available on a one-time only basis to young practising Catholic students who are in post secondary education at a recognized institute of higher learning within the Province of British Columbia. Applications are accepted until June 30, 2025
Requests for applications should be addressed to:
Christopher Chen – State Bursary Chairman
Knights of Columbus BC Charity Foundation
#333 – 1231 Pacific Boulevard
Vancouver, BC V6Z0E2
Or email [email protected].
Deadline for requests for application is June 1.
Birthright Volunteers Needed
Would you like to help women in crisis pregnancy situations? Birthright Vancouver is currently looking for volunteers who can commit three hours a week on a weekday morning or afternoon to this mission. Training provided. Contact: 604-687-7223 or [email protected].
Jubilee Lunar New Year Dinner
Monday, February 3, 5:30 p.m. doors open, dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant, $70 per ticket.
For information and tickets, call Deacon Ken Fung at 604-803-5778 or Cecilia Leung at 604-264-0613. More information is available at beholdvancouver.org/events
Momentum: Catholic Single Mothers
If you are a single mother, please come gather with us for faith sharing and fellowship. Saturday February 8th, 2025 from 12:30-3:00 p.m. at St. Clare of Assisi Parish, Coquitlam. Lunch and childcare will be provided. For more information and to register, go to beholdvancouver.org/events.
Weekend Getaway Marriage Conference
This conference is uniquely designed to enrich your relationship. The atmosphere is relaxed, warm and fun. Hear from real couples doing real life together God’s way. Take time to process what you’re learning, and together, build a joyful marriage that lasts a lifetime. Friday, February 21 through Sunday February 23 at Fairmont Empress, Victoria.
Register for $299 by February 19 at beholdvancouver.org/events
Register with promo code “RCAVVIC” for $199 before February 9.
World Day of the Sick
Archbishop Miller, CSB will celebrate Mass for World Day of the Sick for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers. Tuesday, February 11 at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Vancouver. Reception will follow. Learn more at rcav.org/wds2025.