Your passion is one of reaching out to those who suffer through practical deeds of compassion that convey God's love and comfort.
Your passion is for changing things for the better through group vision and mission. Those with the charism of Leadership are empowered particularly to advance human dignity, steward Creation, and work toward the realization of God's loving plans for humanity, whatever the specific nature of their vision.
Intercessory Prayer
Your passion is that God's will be done and God's love and provision reach those in need. Those with this charism don't assume they know what God wants in a particular situation, nor do they require direct contact to be effective. They try to "listen" before praying and often receive specific guidance as to how to pray for a given situation.
Your passion is to nurture others by making a welcoming place for them. This is a powerful charism of community healing. Hospitality can be exercised toward individuals or groups.
The creation of things of physical beauty to bring joy to others and glory to God lifts your spirit, allowing you to work without tiring. More than being handy or crafty, you are inspired, imaginative, creative, innovative.
Your passion is making good things happen for the Kingdom of God. An individual with this charism is called to execute with excellence an already established goal or vision. You organize and mobilize people, resources, and logistical details efficiently and are lifted up by the work.