The Most Holy Trinity
The Most Holy Trinity
The Father is my hope.
The Son is my refuge.
The Holy Spirit is my protector.
Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity,
now and forever.
Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
let us bless and exalt God above all forever!
Almighty and everlasting God,
to whom we owe the grace of professing the true faith,
grant that while acknowledging the glory
of the eternal Trinity and adoring its unity,
we may through Your majestic power
be confirmed in this faith
and defended against all adversities;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Sunday, June 4th – Eleanor Wong +
Monday, June 5th – Elizabeth Wilkie (+)
Tuesday, June 6th – Agnieszka & Antoni Opolski (+)
Saint Norbert, Bishop
Wednesday, June 7th – Al Albrecht (+)
Thursday, June 8th – Czeslaw Opolski (+)
Friday, June 9th –Ethan Schwan (+)
Saint Ephraem, Deacon, Doctor
Saturday, June 10th – Ryzard Opolski (+)
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Join us in prayer for our recently Confirmed youth!
Our Grade 7 School Children and Prep children received the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, May 31st.
As the sun brightens the world, so may God’s graces brighten their understanding and add beauty to all of their days. God bless all of these youth on their confirmation and always!
A note from Hannah, our parish Discipleship Coordinator:
“I saw this after confirmation on Wednesday and was so mesmerized by the light, how piercing it was & i’ve always seen the Lord with the sun, it’s a God wink for me. And in the reading the next morning in Sirach… “The sun looks down on everything with its light, and the work of the Lord is full of his glory”. What a blessing to witness the grade 7s🥹 i hope they never forget the Holy Spirit has their backs!”
To provide support for over 600 remote and poor mission communities across Canada.
Come as a community in adoration and Encounter our Lord with praise and worship.
Friday, June 9, 7-8pm
Thursday Adoration and Benediction cancelled in lieu of Fridays Encounter service.
Fifth Ordinandi Dinner
You are cordially invited to the Fifth Ordinandi Dinner featuring Deacon Patrick Le and Deacon Medard Kamanzi.
The Ordinandi Dinner shines a spotlight on the men who are to be ordained as priests within the Archdiocese. This event brings the faithful together with their shepherds, and soon to be shepherds, in celebration of God’s providential care for his flock.
Join Archbishop Miller and members of the Catholic faithful on Wednesday, June 21, at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $55/person. Seating is limited. Learn more and register at
Tickets are available for purchase at
Thank you!
Thank you Cathy Albrecht & Linda and Charles Ronald Phillips for preparing dinner for Archbishop J. Michael Miller & Deacon Jamie Meskas!Thank you to Randy Tabada and his team, Ken Pham and his gardening crew, Elizabeth Lesiczka, Brian McGuckin, and Mike Hamaliuk for their hard work in beautifying the gardens and grounds around the church and parish buildings.
Thank you for the help in preparing, setting up, and managing the confirmation evening on May 31st:
- Jon & Carmen Archer
- Avril Levins & Debbie & Malcom Wheeler, Susan Richardson, Jenny Wong, Lorraine & Don Holt, Barrie & Margaret Herod, Sunghee Demkiv
- School & Parish staff who worked tirelessly to help prepare students to receive Confirmation – Christina Geary, Margaret Zochowski, Adelaide Goldberg and Emma Steele.
Thank you to Elizabeth Lesiczka who made these beautiful stoles for Confirmandi.
You were called by God for a purpose, and were given gifts and charisms by the Holy Spirit at the time of your Baptism and Confirmation. Discover your special gift through the Called & Gifted program now being offered through St. Patrick’s.
Calling St. Patrick’s Business Owners
We are building a FREE small business resource page on our website,
Please click below to submit your business details. We hope to have enough businesses to launch the small business page by June 1st.