1st Sunday of Lent, February 26th

1st Sunday of Lent

This Sunday’s second collection supports our retired priests who have dedicated their entire life to the Church. Generous support from the community ensures a comfortable living environment, quality medical care, and other essential services for our retired priests. Parishioners can make their tax-deductible donation to St. Joseph’s Society in-person at their parish or online at rcav.org/joseph.
News from St. Pat’s
Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events
Schedule Change for Tuesday, February 28th
NO Evening Mass & Confessions
Father Matthew is offering Mass at 8am on the 28th

Come to Holy Grounds after 9am & 11:15am Mass for Coffee & Treats

This Lent – take a little time – an hour a week for six weeks, to discover or deepen your relationship with Christ.
At St.Patrick’s we are offering the CCO Faith Studies as a tool to help you begin this deepening or Discovery of faith and love for God. By taking the first study, Discovery, you will be a part of a small group of fellow men or women to explore, learn more about and increase your faith.
Use the link below to learn more and to register to join a small group.

Thank you!
to Monika and her daughters, Delia, Aga and her daughter, High School girls from Carney and Angel For their assistance at Holy Grounds for a Sunday Social.
to the CWL for their delicious cupcakes that they shared with Holy Grounds on Tuesday.
to Wyn Humski for giving us a sweet donation of cute animal pots with seeds to grow.
to Albert Quilay for making up some great pandseal bread for us to share with visitors on Shrove Tuesday.

All Ladies of the Parish are invited to a
Half Day of Recollection
Hosted by
St. Patrick’s Catholic Women’s League
Speaker: Father Matthew To
Saturday, March 4, 2023
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Holy Grounds
Refreshments will be served

Need Marriage Help?
Retrouvaille, pronounced “retroo-vye,” means “rediscovery.”
It is a marriage program endorsed by Pope Francis that has helped hundreds of BC couples recover from all kinds of marriage trouble, from simple discontent to serious crisis. Why live in misery? Repair and rekindle your relationship! The program consists of one weekend retreat and six weekly follow-up sessions, which can be attended remotely.
For confidential information or to register for the spring Retrouvaille Vancouver program commencing on April 14 – 16, 2023,
email [email protected],call 604-783-2864 or visit www.helpmymarriage.ca.

CWL Bursary – Updated Details
St. Patrick’s CWL awards a $500.00 Bursary to any St. Patrick’s Parishioner
graduating from Grade 12, who is attending their first year of a
Post Secondary Institution, Seminary or Convent and is a practicing Catholic.
The applicant can be graduating from any High School, not just a Catholic
High School. Please remind your children and grandchildren of this Bursary,
the parent or grandparent does not have to be a CWL member. Application
due by March 31.
Application forms available at the Parish Office
or contact Joanne 604-783-5463 or [email protected]

Free Throw Contest

Arsenic and Old Lace
presented by Archbishop Carney Threatre
March 2-4, 2023 7 PM
Archbishop Carney Theatre is proud to present Arsenic and Old Lace, a classic dark comedy. Drama critic Mortimer Brewster’s (James Van Der Mark) engagement to Elaine (Sheridan Nix) is upended when he discovers a corpse in his elderly aunts’ window seat. Mortimer rushes to tell his Aunt Abby (Patricia Lucero) and Aunt Martha (Abigail Carino) before they stumble upon the body themselves, only to learn that the two old women aren’t just aware of the dead man in their living room, they killed him! Between his aunts’ penchant for poisoning wine, a brother (Nicolas Lam) who thinks he’s Teddy Roosevelt, and another brother (Luke Ablett) who’s using plastic surgery to hide from the police–not to mention Mortimer’s hesitancy about marriage –it’ll be a miracle if Mortimer makes it to his wedding. The show runs March 2-4, 2023. 7:00pm at the Terry Fox Theatre in Port Coquitlam. Tickets are $17 at acrss.org
Weekly Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Monday, February 27th – George Gray (INT)
Saint Gregory of Narek
Tuesday, February 28th – Marie Watt (+)
Wednesdays, March 1st – Diane Yusko (INT)
Thursday, March 2nd – Dave (+)
Friday, March 3rd – Terry & Val Spurrell (INT)
Saturday, March 4th – Antonio Faria (+)
Saint Casimir