2nd Sunday of Lent : Come Say Hi to our New Catholics!

2nd Sunday of Lent

Urgent Help Needed for Earthquake Survivors
Millions of Syrians were shaken awake by disaster on Feb. 6, and found their lives, like the buildings around them, reduced to rubble. CNEWA’s on-the-ground church partners are responding quickly to provide bedding, food, medicine, milk, nursing formula and diapers to more than 2,000 families seeking emergency shelter in convents, parish halls and schools. At this critical moment, your generous and prayerful support is more than necessary — it is vital to their survival. Will you be a lifeline to so many women, children and elderly people who have nowhere else to turn?
Please donate online at rcav.org/syria

The Next 2nd Collection is on March 26th – Share Lent
To help the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace fight poverty in third-world countries and foster international justice.
News from St. Pat’s
Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events

Come to Holy Grounds after 9am & 11:15am Mass for Coffee & Treats.

Stations of the Cross
7-7:45 PM this Friday, March 3rd in the Church
Join us in praying the Way of the Cross during Lent as a community.
Please note Stations of the Cross will be at 5:30 PM on Thursday, March 9th to accommodate the use of the church for this devotion and for Encounter (Adoration with Praise & Worship) which will begin at 7 PM on Friday, March 10th.
Stations will be on Wednesday, March 15th due to special celebrations on March 17th for St.Patrick’s Feast Day.

Healing Masses
Tuesday, March 7th at 6:30PM and Friday, March 10th at 9:00AM
Join us for this special Mass, come to hear the Word of God proclaimed and to receive the gift of Jesus’ most healing grace through the Sacrament of anointing.
A reception with Coffee, Tea and Treats to follow the 9AM Mass on Friday.

A time of Eucharistic Adoration with Praise & Worship.
Friday, March 10th at 7 PM
No adoration on Thursday, March 9th
Join us for a night of prayer, praise and worship. Come for an hour or drop in for 10 minutes. We welcome you to come and pray before our Lord in adoration.
Come say Hi to our new Catholics and those preparing to become Catholic this Easter.
There will be a reception in Holy Grounds, following Encounter with wine and cheese (no meat). Come and offer prayers, and best wishes for all the participants and their families.

Life Compass Society
Annual Membership Drive
March 11-12 after Mass
Society Mission: to help restore a culture of life.
Involvement: Life Chain, Pro-Life Sunday, 40 Days for Life, Run for Life, Blooms in Rooms, March for Life – Victoria, Facebook Non-Profit Page, Life Canada Website.
Membership: $10/1 year or $25/ 3 years

This Lent – take a little time – an hour a week for six weeks, to discover or deepen your relationship with Christ.
At St.Patrick’s we are offering the CCO Faith Studies as a tool to help you begin this deepening or Discovery of faith and love for God. By taking the first study, Discovery, you will be a part of a small group of fellow men or women to explore, learn more about and increase your faith.
Use the link below to learn more and to register to join a small group.

Thank you!
to Boris Jakus for coming by with his backhoe to help us keep our parking lot clear and safe for Sunday Mass goers this past weekend.
to all the men – Jude, Hajjie, Martin, Matthew, Tong and Randy – who showed up early on Sunday Morning and again on Monday and Tuesday to help salt and clear the snow as needed to continue to keep every safe as they come to be with our Lord for Mass and Adoration.

Join us in congratulating Haeju Na on her Baptism which took place on February 25th. What a blessing it is to receive the Sacramental Grace of Baptism which frees us from Original Sin and opens us to the reception of many gifts to come in our journey as children of God.
Please pray for Haeju Na and her family.

Save the Date!
Patrick Le is becoming a Priest.
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Archdiocese of Vancouver
joyfully announces the Ordination of
Deacon Patrick Le
Deacon Medard Kamanzi
to the Priesthood
through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB
Saturday, July 1, 202312:00 pm
Holy Rosary Cathedral
646 Richards St. Vancouver, BC
An Ordinandi Dinner will take place on the evening of Wednesday, June 21.
Details to follow.

Need Marriage Help?
Retrouvaille, pronounced “retroo-vye,” means “rediscovery.”
It is a marriage program endorsed by Pope Francis that has helped hundreds of BC couples recover from all kinds of marriage trouble, from simple discontent to serious crisis. Why live in misery? Repair and rekindle your relationship! The program consists of one weekend retreat and six weekly follow-up sessions, which can be attended remotely.
For confidential information or to register for the spring Retrouvaille Vancouver program commencing on April 14 – 16, 2023,
email [email protected],call 604-783-2864 or visit www.helpmymarriage.ca.
Resources for Reflection

CWL Bursary – Updated details.
St. Patrick’s CWL awards a $500.00 Bursary to any St. Patrick’s Parishioner
graduating from Grade 12, who is attending their first year of a
Post Secondary Institution, Seminary or Convent and is a practicing Catholic.
The applicant can be graduating from any High School, not just a Catholic
High School. Please remind your children and grandchildren of this Bursary,
the parent or grandparent does not have to be a CWL member. Application
due by March 31.
Application forms available at the Parish Office
or contact Joanne 604-783-5463 or [email protected]
Weekly Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Monday, March 6th – Isadore Athaide (+)
Tuesday, March 7th – Marlene Cameron (+)
Saints Perpetua & Felicity
Wednesdays, March 8th – Stephanie & Joe Connors (INT)
Saint John of God
Thursday, March 9th – Bernie & Tony Smith-Gander (INT)
Saint Frances of Rome
Friday, March 10th – James Rodrigues (INT)
Saturday, March 11th – Don Gillis (+)