Bulletin: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Monday, October 23
Celing Siochi (+)
Saint John of Capistrano, Priest
Tuesday, October 24
Stijepan Bagaric (+)
Saint Antony Mary Claret, Bishop
Wednesday, October 25
Maria Krilanovic (+)
Thursday, October 26
Claire Long (+)
Friday, October 27
Martin Polz (+)
Saturday, October 28
Rappai Chungath (+)
Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles
On World Mission Sunday, we remember our baptismal call to share the Gospel so that others may come to know Jesus. This year, Pope Francis focuses on the theme “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” (cf. Lk 24:13-35), inspired by the disciples who encountered Jesus on their way to Emmaus.
The second collection this weekend will provide essential support to churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. Your gift and prayers will make a difference to world missionaries as they continue the work of evangelization in the most vulnerable of communities. Tax-deductible donations can be made in person at the parish or online at stpatricksmapleridge.ca/donations/second-collections/.
Project Advance 2023:
Empowering Our Parish Vision
Your support of Project Advance will help grow your parish and expand the reach of Christ’s love to those who need it most. It will fund initiatives such as pastoral formation, youth and young adult ministries, outreach programs for the vulnerable and in need, and the construction of new Catholic schools. Tax-deductible donations can be made in person at your parish or online. Legacy gifts are also appreciated. Learn more and donate at https://support.rcav.org/project-advance-2023/.
St. Patrick’s Goal for 2023 is $47,000; as of this week we have raised $26,720.
Thank you!
Thank you to Emmanuel & Emily Aquino for bringing such amazing food for Alpha.
Thank you to our helpers who served after the healing mass this past Friday morning.
Thank you To Jeni and Anto Libin, along with Grandpa Anthony for creating a delicious meal for Alpha with beautiful dessert. A special shout-out to Logan who baked chocolate chip cookies.
Thank you to Shelly Head who made a beautiful egg dish for Alpha breakfast last week.
Pizza – Fresh and Hot!
St. Patrick’s is holding a Pizza Fundraiser. Stop in to Holy Grounds and order a beautiful pizza, homemade by Paula Lyons, owner of Gusto Inc.
Pizzas are $13.00 each.
Take it home, pop into the oven, and have a fresh homemade pizza for dinner.
All proceeds go to parish fundraising. Thank you!
Join our Men’s Ministry on Saturday, October 28th at 7pm for a relaxing evening of fellowship and connection.
Join us November 3rd at 7:00pm for a Special Encounter Event
Come to Encounter for a unique evening of Adoration with Praise and Worship. We are combining Encounter with a gathering of First Holy Communion Parents. We will be showing a video before Adoration begins.
In Recognition of our Small Business Owners
We are so happy to provide a free resource of small businesses owned and managed by fellow parishioners. By supporting one another, we grow and strengthen our community, and through that support we grow and strengthen our faith.
Own or manage a business that isn’t listed yet?
Please click below to submit your business details.
St. Patrick’s has a thriving Altar Boys Ministry, led by Marko Jakus. We would like to invite any boys who are Grade 5 and up and who feel called to serve the parish in this very special way, to complete the sign up form on our website.
We will begin holding training sessions for both new and experienced Altar Servers in the next month.
You must be signed up in order to receive the details regarding upcoming trainings.
Cribbage Boards Wanted
There is a new Crib Club starting at St. Patrick’s Elementary for students in grade 3 and 4!
We are asking families if anyone can donate/lend cribbage boards for the club to use. If you are able to lend your crib board, please clearly state your name on the bottom of the crib board and it will be returned to you in June.
All crib boards are to be given to either the parish office or school office.
Thank you in advance!
Save the Date – Good Times coming to St. Patrick’s!
Tickets on sale next week!
You were called by God for a purpose, and were given gifts and charisms by the Holy Spirit at the time of your Baptism and Confirmation. Discover your special gift through the Called & Gifted program now being offered through St. Patrick’s.
Support St. Luke’s Fundraiser for the
St. Vincent De Paul Society
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul will be doing a NEUFELD’S FARM Fundraiser starting October 20 and running until midnight November 5. Parishioners will receive a link to view a variety of amazing food items, such as meat products, breakfast items, appetizers and cookies all reasonably priced, and can then make their choices. Proceeds will help families in our community. We’ll keep you posted with updates!– St. Vincent de Paul team
Upcoming public lecture at Catholic Pacific College! Wednesday, October 25, 7pm at the CPC building. Prof. Allen Haaheim will bring together aspects of the thought of Victorian poet Gerard Manley Hopkins to explore “inscape,” a word he coined that, in his own words, means “design, pattern” and constitutes “the very soul of art.” Inscape also gets to the very being of things—including ours—and comes from Christ and His presence. The title of the talk is: “Of Kingfishers and Other Fires.” Bring a friend! Free Registration: catholicpacific.ca/cpc3
The Twelfth Annual Archbishop’s Dinner
The Archbishop’s Dinner has become a way for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Vancouver to gather and to hear updates from our Archbishop on the activities of the past year and where we are headed in the next. Your support of the twelfth annual dinner will provide funding to the Caring for Our Clergy Fund, St. Joseph’s Society, and for furnishing a new convent for the Sisters.
On Thursday, November 9, 6:00 p.m. at Hyatt Regency in Vancouver. Sponsorship
The annual Mass for deceased bishops, clergy and consecrated men and women will be held at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Wednesday, November 8 at 12:10 pm. All parishioners are most welcome to attend this special Liturgy concelebrated by the priests of the Archdiocese. Remember kindly in your prayers during the month of November those who have laboured for the Church in Vancouver and pray that the Lord will send more dedicated men and women to continue their ministry.