Bulletin: Divine Mercy Sunday (2nd Sunday of Easter)
Our parish relies on your generosity. Your donations each year directly impact our ability to minister to those in need, to provide special programs such as Alpha and CGS, to offer small group faith studies, to maintain our buildings, and to grow our parish school.
Mass Intentions During Easter Week
Monday, April 8
Paul St.Pierre (+)
Tuesday, April 9
Jackie Ware (+)
Wednesday, April 10
Brigitte Hebaut (+)
Thursday, April 11
Anne Rice (+)
Saint Stanislaus, Bishop, Martyr
Friday, April 12
Rosebelinda Sanico (+)
Saturday, April 13
Jason DuPurron (+)
Saint Martin I, Pope, Martyr
Please join us at 3pm on Sunday, April 7
for the conclusion of the
Divine Mercy Novena.
Please join us for a social gathering to recognize the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday. Come for Good Company, Conversation, and Great Coffee, following the 9am and 11:15am Masses.
St. Pat’s Highlights
Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events
Due to the timing of the Triduum this Easter, we have rescheduled March’s Drinking with the Saints for Saturday, April 6.
Please let us know if you are able to come so we can plan enough refreshments for all. Thank you!
Mark your calendars, and please join us on Friday, April 12th at 7:00pm as we raise our voices and our hearts in Eucharistic Adoration with Praise & Worship.
Please note, Adoration on Thursday April 11th is cancelled in lieu of this Encounter event on Friday.
Join us in joyous celebration of the new members of the Church
May God’s grace and blessings that they received through Baptism and Confirmation guide them throughout their lives.
All things Easter
Thank you Mike Albrecht for going on a grocery run to purchase supplies and champagne (it is very important we never run out). Emma and Michael Steele for also doing a grocery and supply run. To Mike, Mitch and Jen who really had their sleeves up in the kitchen on Good Friday serving soup and bread. Thank you to Julia and Veronika Zochowski and Denyse Hay who set up and cleaned after Good Friday. Thank you to Susan Richardson and her grandkids, Boston and Soleil for cleaning and helping with Good Friday Soup and Bread as well.
A special thank you to Jen who made homemade soup, including preparation of gluten free and vegan options.
Thank you to Paula Lyons for continuing to make amazing treats, cupcakes and cakes for our catechumens. We are so thankful for her talents, her generous time and attention to detail!
Thank you to Julia Hanley and Josef Povazan for taking photos of our masses and services.
Thank you to Margaret, Mike, Anna, Michael and Emma for helping with our Easter Sunday social.
Thank you Jen B. for directing our music program and chamber choir during the Triduum and Sunday Services.
Thank you to Melissa Missori for arranging all the flowers in Holy Grounds for our Vigil celebration.
Thank you to Margaret Zochowski and Elizabeth Lesiczka for preparation of the flowers in the Church. Thank you to Lucia Medeiros and Brian McGuckin for taking care of all things related to the Altar.
Thank you to Joshua Valouche, Patrick Schafli, and Andrew Croswell for contributing your time, talent and knowledge to the audio / visual portion of our celebrations.
Thank you to all of the ushers and set up crew that made it possible for so many to be present during our celebrations.
Thank you to Marko Jakus for leading our Altar Servers.
Every act of help and support keeps our parish running and is an integral part of achieving our parish mission. We are so very grateful to all.
If you would like to serve the parish by donating your time or skills, please let us know.
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
The Blessing of the Easter Baskets
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday (9am)
We’re growing!
Our cherished space, Holy Grounds, is in need of an expansion. Please support our parish and our very special coffeehouse and gathering place, and add a little something special to your Easter Baskets.
Our talented Paula has custom designed Chocolate Bark which is made with Holy Grounds West Coast Espresso coffee. $7/each.
Please purchase on your next visit to Holy Grounds, and enjoy a lovely coffee and some great conversation while you’re there.
Want to give a little something extra for your favorite home-away-from-home? Please click below to access our online Donation platform or stop into the office.
We talk a lot about Alpha (because it’s AMAZING), but we want to also highlight our Small Groups which are always here and always supporting us in our faith formation. Lent is a great time to sit and reflect on where you are at with God, others and, of course, yourselves.
Small groups are intimate groups designed to learn about the heart of Jesus and the heart of the Father.
People who participate in small groups develop lifelong friendships and connections, and often end up volunteering to participate in more activities at the parish.
Please contact Hannah, our discipleship coordinator, to find out if we have a small group that would be a good fit for you or if a new one is in the process of being formed. We try our best to match you up with people of your same age and demographic. We have groups of moms, groups of men, groups of high school students etc…
During Lent we are called to Fast, Pray and Give Alms; many in our community need help. At St. Patrick’s we strive to support our community both in spirit and in body.
If you or someone you know is in need of prayers or support, please reach out.
Our business listings
- Business Services:
- Yagi IT Consultations and Support
- {NEW} Julia Hanley Consulting
- Print It Group
- Children’s Services:
- Chrysta Academy
- {NEW} Maple Corner Daycare
- Fabrication Services:
- Dion Custom Metal Services
- Doodle Design Craft
- {NEW} S&T Wood Designs custom furnishings
- Tie a Bow custom creations
- Eateries & Food
- Alina Cafe & Bakery
- Bella Nonna’s Bakery & Grocer
- The Blueberry Run
- {NEW} Red Swan Pizza
- Health & Wellness
- Addictions Specialist Dr. Rosanna Lima
- Chiropractor Dr. Nancy Giacometti
- End of Life Doula, Valerie Spurrell
- Professional Nursing Foot Care – Micha
- Plexus Gut Health
- Trauma Therapist – Lorna Demedeiros
- Home Furnishings and Decor
- Bliss on a Budget – Wholesale Mattress
- Weatherly Interiors
- Home Renovation, Construction and more
- Carlson Electric
- Flooring Contractor – Don Fafard
- {NEW} HVAC Contractor – Sanjay Kumar Reddy
- Norum Construction & Reno
- Junk Removal & Moving – Simon Chan
- People Services
- Personal Care Services
- {NEW} April Richardson – Makeup Artist & Airbrush Tanning
- Grace Dignified Women’s Clothing
- Mary Kay Cosmetics S. Richardson
- May Hair Design
- Nail Tips
- Photography Services
- Anita Alberto Photography
- Jozef Povazan Photography
- Marta Lewicki Photography
- Real Estate & Financial Services
- Blue Pearl Mortgage Services
- Origin Mortgage Services
- Realtor – Sarah Eales Tuck
Own or manage a business that isn’t listed yet?
Please click below to submit your business details.
St. Patrick’s has a thriving Altar Boys Ministry, led by Marko Jakus. We would like to invite any boys who are Grade 5 and up and who feel called to serve the parish in this very special way, to complete the sign up form on our website.
We will begin holding training sessions for both new and experienced Altar Servers in the next month.
You must be signed up in order to receive the details regarding upcoming trainings.
Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program
The annual British Columbia and Yukon Bursary program known as the Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program is underway. The 2024 program is now receiving applications. We are privileged to offer fourteen bursaries of $1,000.00 each to Catholic students across the Province of British Columbia. These bursaries are made available on a one-time only basis to young practicing Catholic students who are in post secondary education at a recognized institute of higher learning within the Province of British Columbia. Applications are accepted from January 1, 2024, until June 30, 2024 with the bursaries being awarded in the fall. The Terms of Reference may be found on our web site (kofcbc.org) after Jan 1, 2024.
Requests for application should be addressed to:
Christopher Chen – State Bursary Chairman
Knights of Columbus BC Charity Foundation
#333 – 1231 Pacific Boulevard
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z-0E2
Or email: [email protected]
Deadline for requests for application is June 1, 2024.
Applications Open: Youth Ministry Leadership Bursary
The Youth Ministry Leadership Bursary recognizes high school students making a difference in their parishes, schools, communities and homes. Two Grade 12 students will be selected to receive an award of $500 each for their post-secondary schooling. Learn more and apply at rcav.org/youth-ministry.