Epiphany Sunday: Celebrate Merle’s retirement with us this Sunday

The Epiphany of the Lord

The Office is back to our regular hours as of Monday, January 9th!
News from St. Pat’s
Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events
2023 Sunday & Special Collection
Envelope sets are ready for pickup!
In the Parish Office.
If you are using envelopes please ensure you are using the new 2023 set assigned to your family or ensure you clearly write your full name and the date of giving on a blank envelope. Thank you.

Happy Retirement to Merle Bawagan
Come for coffee & some extra special treats after the 9am & 11:15am Masses this Sunday, January 8th, 2023.
After 14 years of service to the parish as the Parish Secretary and Pastoral Assistant, Merle is retiring. Come and celebrate her with us and give your thanks for her excellent, spirit filled service.

We have reached our Project Advance 2022 Goal.
Thank you Parishioners!
It is by your great generosity that this goal has been met this year.

Thank You!
to Jack Zochowski, Michal Marzec, Tim Scott, Joe and Don for the donation of their time and talent in the building and finishing of the parish library.

We are re-launching Mystagogia this upcoming January!
Have you been confirmed or baptized in the past five years? Do you know someone who has? You have been baptized and confirmed…perhaps your heart is on fire with the faith….but what next?
Mystagogia is another stepping stone of our RCIA program designed to help accompany people further into the mystery of being Catholic! We can always go further.
We tackle questions like, “Why do we do what we do? What is the deal with Mary? The communion of saints…what does that even mean? Why is the order of the mass the way it is? I kinda get the importance of the Eucharist but how does that apply to me and my personal relationship with Jesus? What is the Gospel… why do I have to go to confession and say my sins out loud. Is the Catholic church really the one true Church?”
Catholics have many beautiful rituals/sacraments and initiations but so often, the meaning behind it is lost. In this new apostolic era, it is not a time for mindless behavior but rather intentional understanding and transformational awareness.
When we love someone, we learn about them…what their favorite coffee order is, where they like to shop, even golf…we can do the same with Jesus.
Mystagogia: Through the Eyes of the Heart, will include food, fellowship, speakers from the Archdiocese of Vancouver & Catholic Pacific College, as well as time for discussion and questions. We pray that The Holy Spirit will enlighten our minds and fill our hearts with passion.
Come and join us.
Email Hannah or call the office if your heart desires further information.
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived”.
1 Corinthians 13:1, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

Come join us in Holy Grounds as we discuss the importance of acknowledging mental health & all its facets within the Catholic church.
The Archdiocese of Vancouver will be delivering a four-part mental health series/dialogue over the next few months. The series will include video content from Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries and a mental health professional who will respond to the video and answer any questions people may have.
We will be facilitating a group here at Holy Grounds. Registration is required as capacity is limited in Holy Grounds. Registration will occur every month.
Our first night is Wednesday, Jan 25th at 7:30-8:30pm.

Mass of Celebration
Tuesday, January 17th at 7 PM at Canadian Martyrs Parish
The Archbishop of Vancouver will celebrate with Fr. Richard Au on the occasion of his 25th Priesthood ordination at a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00 pm at Canadian Martyrs Parish, Richmond. All are welcome for the Holy Mass.
Please pray for Vocations and for all the priests that they may reach their call to holiness.
Drinking with the Saints-Monthly Men’s Nights
Announcing the official launching of our men’s ministry!
Come join some of the men at St. Patrick’s Parish as we enjoy a drink in honor of the Saints. Each month we will pick a patron, hear their story, and raise a glass. There will be light fare, unique cocktails, and good conversation. This is not a faith study, it is an opportunity for the Men in our Parish to get to know one another & join in fellowship.
Click Here to let us know your interest in joining us!
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”.
-Proverbs 27:17
Resources for Reflection

Weekly Mass Intentions & Feast Days
January 9 – Hipolito & Felomena Tajo (+)
The Baptism of the Lord
January 10 – Curtis Courrier (+)
January 11 – Mildred McBride (+)
January 12 – Don Daunais (+)
Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
January 13 – Geronimo San Jose Jr. (+)
Saint Hilary
January 14 – Terry Raymond (+)

Please prayerfully consider financially supporting your parish.