
Bulletin: Second Sunday of Advent

  1. Superstore
  2. Walmart
  3. No Frills
  4. Shoppers
  5. Save On etc…

In Recognition of our Small Business Owners

We are so happy to provide a free resource of small businesses owned and managed by fellow parishioners. By supporting one another, we grow and strengthen our community, and through that support we grow and strengthen our faith.

Own or manage a business that isn’t listed yet?
Please click below to submit your business details.

St. Patrick’s has a thriving Altar Boys Ministry, led by Marko Jakus.  We would like to invite any boys who are Grade 5 and up and who feel called to serve the parish in this very special way, to complete the sign up form on our website.

We will begin holding training sessions for both new and experienced Altar Servers in the next month.  

You must be signed up in order to receive the details regarding upcoming trainings.

You were called by God for a purpose, and were given gifts and charisms by the Holy Spirit at the time of your Baptism and Confirmation. Discover your special gift through the Called & Gifted program now being offered through St. Patrick’s.

Join us

St. Patrick's Maple Ridge

We exist to call and form missionary disciples
22561 121 Avenue
Maple Ridge BC V2X 3T5